Frequent questions.

Principles – The what and why of Project DIAMOnD
  • What is Project DIAMOnD?

DIAMOnD stands for: Distributed, Independent, Agile Manufacturing on Demand.  Project DIAMOnD is an initiative of Automation Alley, to follow its mission: help businesses thrive in the rapidly changing digital economy. Automation Alley, with funding support from Oakland County, Michigan, created Project DIAMOnD to empower manufacturers with state-of-the-art 3D printing, so that small manufacturers can gain unprecedented access to training and network resources.   Secure, scalable and traceable, Project DIAMOnD is taking small- and medium-sized manufacturers to the next level and helping create the world's largest additive manufacturing ecosystem.

The basic Project DIAMOnD components include the following:


  • Printers distributed across the region  
  • A Digital Transformation Center  
  • The Digital Transformation Program
  • A Secure Marketplace

PD's software and platform development include a community-governed marketplace, an app store and easy connection to legacy platforms.  


  • Why Project DIAMOnD?  

This initiative started as an innovative response to produce PPE during the COVID-19 pandemic and was validated by sending thousands of tourniquet components to Ukraine and many other success stories (Check out our youtube channel!). But its core objective is to catalyze digital transformation in current and future small and medium sized businesses as they face the disruptive forces of Industry 4.0. We wanted to help the 2600 small- and medium-sized manufacturers in Oakland County make a transformation from traditional manufacturing to advanced manufacturing, to embrace Industry 4.0 technologies like AI, robotics and 3-D printing. Project DIAMOnD is an innovative solution spearheaded by Automation Alley and is powered by the entrepreneurial spirit of hundreds of Oakland County Smart manufacturing enterprises, to ensure that Oakland County will maintain its manufacturing strength in the future.

  • Why did we focus on Additive?

Additive Manufacturing (AM) can be transformational: prototyping costs are significantly lower; it's more efficient, allowing companies to produce only what they need, reducing surplus and waste. If you have an idea, additive can help you get it to market faster than traditional methods because of quicker prototyping and iteration, and faster production from prototype to end-use part. Basically, additive manufacturing is the only technology that provides a simple path from geometry (information) to physical product using a digital thread.  Understanding additive makes a company more competent in tackling other Industry 4.0 technologies. With a low cost 3D printer and more sophisticated machines at a central location known as the Digital Transformation Center, we can leverage the  flexibility, ease of use, and other key benefits of additive to strengthen small and mid size manufacturers’ businesses.  AM can be easier to learn and use than traditional methods, and its automated processes reduce the need for specialized labor, a key issue here in Michigan. Our Digital Transformation Program focuses on reskilling local businesses and supporting entrepreneurs who embrace additive and provide them resources to make them competitive.  

  • What are the dynamics of Distributed Manufacturing?

Project DIAMOnD’s network of 3D printers enables a cottage industry model -  with 3D printers distributed across the region, we can create a large, scaleable manufacturing network, allowing businesses to buy and sell both intellectual property – the actual designs – and print services. Unused printer capacity and entrepreneurial innovation are leveraged to create business opportunities, and building the know-how locally, strengthens our economy and our workforce.  

  • What are the implications for manufacturers?

Manufacturing is transitioning, going from:  

  • Process to Design Focus;
  • Capex to IP; and
  • Centralized to Distributed.  

Embracing additive manufacturing will prepare manufacturers for Industry 4.0. Any manufacturer that doesn't proactively develop an IP portfolio risks becoming commoditized. This has already happened in some industries. 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models are used to create physical objects by bonding thin layers of material together. The process involves selectively placing material in layers, which can be done using powder, resin, or filament. Heat is then used to bond the materials together. Traditional manufacturing can also supplement additive. Building on existing traditional manufacturing skills with the Project DIAMOnD Digital Transformation Program, coupled with the capacity to produce in larger scale by leveraging the printers on the PD network, manufacturers can produce and sell more products.  

  • What are the Intellectual Property (IP) considerations?

Developing intellectual property – such as securing exclusive rights to a product design or manufacturing process, is an essential aspect of manufacturing. A company can maintain a significant advantage over competitors who cannot legally copy the innovation when they develop IP, with a portfolio of designs. Designs for Additive Manufacturing can create competitive advantages, and these valuable assets must be safeguarded.  

Grant Questions
  • What is the application process for Phase II?  

Any small business physically located in Oakland County, who was not a Phase I participant can apply to be a Project DIAMOnD participant. They must be registered with the State of Michigan and qualify as a small business per SBA guidelines and must be eligible to apply for federal grants. Once these basic checks are passed, the company will submit a questionnaire about their current capabilities and go through a technical review and Oakland County review.  

On acceptance to Project DIAMOnD Phase II, the company will sign an agreement which gives them access to all Phase II benefits, including the Digital Transformation Program (DTP), a 10-module training workshop with additional customized individual sessions that will help direct their work within the DIAMOnD network, and the Digital Transformation Center. They will work with Project DIAMOnD staff to schedule their participation in the DTP. Upon completion of the DTP and receiving the 3D printer, their printer is then part of the active print points in the Project DIAMOnD network. The application process is very deliberate to ensure that companies are committed and benefit from participation in the program.  

  • What do companies get when they participate in PD? (Subject to change, but refer to Principles as to why they get what they do)

Companies will gain the skills and tools to respond to broader industry 4.0 technology opportunities and risks. Manufacturing has become software driven and distributed, and small manufacturers can pivot accordingly and master additive manufacturing, design competencies, and digital workflows. Additionally, Phase II incorporates the lessons learned from Phase I, and includes the Digital Transformation Program, access to industrial 3-D printing equipment at the Digital Transformation Center, a professional Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) printer, and leverage commercial opportunities through the PD Marketplace.  Participants in the DTP will have the opportunity to learn from and work with Automation Alley’s SMEs and leading partners in the AM industry, including 3YourMind, EOS, Prusa, Hexagon, MarkForged, MMTC, Print City, MMU and Stratasys.  

  • What’s the objective of the grants?

The primary focus of the grants is to catalyze digital transformation and resilience so that local manufacturers can thrive in the additive manufacturing world. The secondary focus is to create a network infrastructure to scale distributed manufacturing coupled with IP security, enabling manufacturers in Oakland County, in Michigan and across the country, to create a sustainable 3D printing network with multiple print-points, so that we can more firmly reestablish manufacturing as a foundation for our economy, locally and nationally.  

  • How many phases are there?

Right now two, but we envision multiple phases as Project DIAMOnD scales to other communities state-wide and nationally.


  • How can I find out specifically whether my company qualifies?

Reach out to to find out about your application status or questions about the application process.

  • How can I participate if I am not a grant recipient?

The PD Marketplace and Digital Transformation Center(s) are ways to plug into the PD network whether you are a grant recipient or not. You can sell your design services to those on the network – both grant recipients or those who have “plugged” [their printer] into the PD Network. If you have an idea, you can find someone on the network who has the appropriate print services for sale and have them produce it for you!

Technical Questions
  • What CAD Software do you use?  

Basic training in a couple of design applications is included in this stage of Project DIAMOnD, as part of the Digital Transformation Program rollout.  We envision expanding to other applications and using other tools, as we learn from the participants and from the additive manufacturing industry’s breakthroughs. We will continue to embrace and adapt to technology changes as we scale Project DIAMOnD to other regions and various industries.

  • What type of technical support is provided to applicants?  

The PD ecosystem has multiple software systems that are integrated through an AI-based collaborative communication platform. The PD Platform is being set up to integrate the various aspects of buying and selling 3D manufactured parts across PD’s network of printers; printing prototypes and parts at the Digital Transformation Center; and connecting to the PD Marketplace.  The Digital Transformation Program will provide training on the Platform and how various aspects of PD will work together.  

  • Why did you design it this way?  

Project DIAMOnD is focused on the manufacturer; especially small and medium manufacturers who compete on a global manufacturing stage and we wanted to provide them with resources to ensure their prosperity. (Also refer to the Principles section above, the What and Why of Project DIAMOnD.)

At the very beginning, Macomb and Oakland County took advantage of funding made available through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. We continue to work together as the network strengthens and expands.  

  • How can I find the answer to...?

Send an email to and we will route the request to the appropriate PD team member to respond to you.

  • How does my participation in PD get me connected to Automation Alley (AA) resources?

All MI small manufacturers automatically get an essential membership that is subsidized by the MEDC. In addition, companies can upgrade their membership to a paid one. Explore opportunities to participate in the US Center for Advanced Manufacturing – another great Automation Alley initiative!

  • How can I get a grant for something other than PD related resources?

Send an email to and we will route the request to the appropriate AA team member to respond to you.

  • Are we able to announce our selection to be part of Project DIAMOnD on social media?  

Please do! If you want to coordinate your announcement with our Marketing team, send an email to!  

  • Can I share info about PD with others?

Definitely! We want to create a collaborative, distributed network and grow (y)our ability to make and sell product designs and manufactured goods exponentially!

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