Inspiration for Project DIAMOnD

Oakland County Video, Deputy Executive Carlson discuses what inspired Project DIAMOnD. How Oakland County had a desire to solve two problems with one solution. The first problem being how do we get small and medium sized manufacturers in Oakland County to adopt and understand Industry 4.0. The second was to address the counties immediate need for PPE during the Covid 19 pandemic. By utilizing Project DIAMOnD each of these issue could be solved. Project DIAMOnD is bringing Industry 4.0 to the masses through distributive manufacturing.

Oakland County Video, Deputy Executive Carlson discuses what inspired Project DIAMOnD. How Oakland County had a desire to solve two problems with one solution. The first problem being how do we get small and medium sized manufacturers in Oakland County to adopt and understand Industry 4.0. The second was to address the counties immediate need for PPE during the Covid 19 pandemic. By utilizing Project DIAMOnD each of these issue could be solved. Project DIAMOnD is bringing Industry 4.0 to the masses through distributive manufacturing.

Welcome to Project DIAMOnD: Distributed, Independent, Agile Manufacturing on Demand.We're not just building the future—we're shaping it.The most significant effort of its kind, Automation Alley, with funding support from Oakland County, Michigan, created Project DIAMOnD to empower manufacturers with state-of-the-art 3D printing. Gain unprecedented access to training and network resources. Join us in creating the world's largest additive manufacturing ecosystem. Secure, scalable and traceable, Project DIAMOnD is taking small- and medium-sized manufacturers to the next level.

Accufacture and 3D Printing to Speed up Turn Around Time

Xavier Fajardo from Accufacture speaks about how utilizing 3D printing can speed up production time as well as impact repair cycles.

Xavier Fajardo from Accufacture speaks about how utilizing 3D printing can speed up production time as well as impact repair cycles.

Welcome to Project DIAMOnD: Distributed, Independent, Agile Manufacturing on Demand.We're not just building the future—we're shaping it.The most significant effort of its kind, Automation Alley, with funding support from Oakland County, Michigan, created Project DIAMOnD to empower manufacturers with state-of-the-art 3D printing. Gain unprecedented access to training and network resources. Join us in creating the world's largest additive manufacturing ecosystem. Secure, scalable and traceable, Project DIAMOnD is taking small- and medium-sized manufacturers to the next level.

Adapt Technologies, 3D Printing Creating Solutions

Adapt Technologies is a Project DIAMOND member and they specialize in finding solutions through invention.

Adapt Technologies is a Project DIAMOND member and they specialize in finding solutions through invention.

Welcome to Project DIAMOnD: Distributed, Independent, Agile Manufacturing on Demand.We're not just building the future—we're shaping it.The most significant effort of its kind, Automation Alley, with funding support from Oakland County, Michigan, created Project DIAMOnD to empower manufacturers with state-of-the-art 3D printing. Gain unprecedented access to training and network resources. Join us in creating the world's largest additive manufacturing ecosystem. Secure, scalable and traceable, Project DIAMOnD is taking small- and medium-sized manufacturers to the next level.

Earth Orbit, Branching skills through Project DIAMOnD.

Project DIAMOnD is a pathway out of poverty for small manufacturing. By utilizing Project DIAMOnD small organizations can implement new technologies to further their skill sets.

Project DIAMOnD is a pathway out of poverty for small manufacturing. By utilizing Project DIAMOnD small organizations can implement new technologies to further their skill sets.

Welcome to Project DIAMOnD: Distributed, Independent, Agile Manufacturing on Demand.We're not just building the future—we're shaping it.The most significant effort of its kind, Automation Alley, with funding support from Oakland County, Michigan, created Project DIAMOnD to empower manufacturers with state-of-the-art 3D printing. Gain unprecedented access to training and network resources. Join us in creating the world's largest additive manufacturing ecosystem. Secure, scalable and traceable, Project DIAMOnD is taking small- and medium-sized manufacturers to the next level.

Geofabrica, Embrace Project DIAMOnD

Use the technology to amplify what they are already good at. Geofabrica showcase a project utilizing additive manufacturing for the Army Corps Of Engineers. The project is to be able to 3D print structures on location out of the materials in the area. Geofabrica accomplished this utilizing additive manufacturing.

Use the technology to amplify what they are already good at. Geofabrica showcase a project utilizing additive manufacturing for the Army Corps Of Engineers. The project is to be able to 3D print structures on location out of the materials in the area. Geofabrica accomplished this utilizing additive manufacturing.

Welcome to Project DIAMOnD: Distributed, Independent, Agile Manufacturing on Demand.We're not just building the future—we're shaping it.The most significant effort of its kind, Automation Alley, with funding support from Oakland County, Michigan, created Project DIAMOnD to empower manufacturers with state-of-the-art 3D printing. Gain unprecedented access to training and network resources. Join us in creating the world's largest additive manufacturing ecosystem. Secure, scalable and traceable, Project DIAMOnD is taking small- and medium-sized manufacturers to the next level.

Qualified3D the Network and Project DIAMOnD

Qualified3D a member of Project DIAMOnD talks about how utilizing the Project DIAMOnD network has assisted them in fulfilling complicated or large orders. Project DIAMOnD is not only a network but a solution.

Qualified3D a member of Project DIAMOnD talks about how utilizing the Project DIAMOnD network has assisted them in fulfilling complicated or large orders. Project DIAMOnD is not only a network but a solution.

Welcome to Project DIAMOnD: Distributed, Independent, Agile Manufacturing on Demand.We're not just building the future—we're shaping it.The most significant effort of its kind, Automation Alley, with funding support from Oakland County, Michigan, created Project DIAMOnD to empower manufacturers with state-of-the-art 3D printing. Gain unprecedented access to training and network resources. Join us in creating the world's largest additive manufacturing ecosystem. Secure, scalable and traceable, Project DIAMOnD is taking small- and medium-sized manufacturers to the next level.

Ventech, an Idea to Realization

Times have changed, 3D printing is now a solution to many problems. Ventech is utilizing Project DIAMOnD and Additive Manufacturing to increase its turn around time on research and development.

Times have changed, 3D printing is now a solution to many problems. Ventech is utilizing Project DIAMOnD and Additive Manufacturing to increase its turn around time on research and development.

Welcome to Project DIAMOnD: Distributed, Independent, Agile Manufacturing on Demand.We're not just building the future—we're shaping it.The most significant effort of its kind, Automation Alley, with funding support from Oakland County, Michigan, created Project DIAMOnD to empower manufacturers with state-of-the-art 3D printing. Gain unprecedented access to training and network resources. Join us in creating the world's largest additive manufacturing ecosystem. Secure, scalable and traceable, Project DIAMOnD is taking small- and medium-sized manufacturers to the next level.

Total Door, 3D Printing and Project DIAMOnD Opening the Door

Total Door a Project DIAMOnD member talks about how utilizing additive manufacturing has improved their business and workflow. From rapid prototyping to creating hand tools on the fly. Project DIAMOnD is bringing Additive to the market.

Total Door a Project DIAMOnD member talks about how utilizing additive manufacturing has improved their business and workflow. From rapid prototyping to creating hand tools on the fly. Project DIAMOnD is bringing Additive to the market.

Welcome to Project DIAMOnD: Distributed, Independent, Agile Manufacturing on Demand.We're not just building the future—we're shaping it.The most significant effort of its kind, Automation Alley, with funding support from Oakland County, Michigan, created Project DIAMOnD to empower manufacturers with state-of-the-art 3D printing. Gain unprecedented access to training and network resources. Join us in creating the world's largest additive manufacturing ecosystem. Secure, scalable and traceable, Project DIAMOnD is taking small- and medium-sized manufacturers to the next level.

What is Project DIAMIOnD? The Future of Additive Manufacturing

Pavan Muzumdar The Chief Operating Officer of Automation Alley and CEO of Project DIAMOnd speaks about the future of additive manufacturing. How Project DIAMOnd is bringing additive manufacturing to Michigan and changing the landscape for the better.

Pavan Muzumdar The Chief Operating Officer of Automation Alley and CEO of Project DIAMOnD speaks about the future of additive manufacturing. How Project DIAMOnD is bringing additive manufacturing to Michigan and changing the landscape for the better.

Project DIAMOnD has spurred the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies across Michigan’s manufacturing landscape, in a variety of industries. This has led to the largest open, distributed and decentralized marketplace in the country, with a focus on quality, efficiency, and flexibility.